Pet Memorials

Skylar Jane
Nov. 15, 2009 - Jan. 21, 2023
❤️Our beloved Skylar Jane was the most incredible companion we ever could have imagined. We adopted her when she was only 2 years old, and she was instantly our forever family, and my first baby. She brought so much joy to our lives, I can’t even begin to put the extent of that into words. She loved people, and greeted any visitors with a wagging tail and big, beautiful smiling face. Everyone who met her instantly fell in love with her. She taught us so much about unconditional love, loyalty, strength, and the importance of a good snuggle. We will carry her in our hearts and minds always. We love you beyond measure, sweet Sky, always. ❤️

Oct. 31, 2006 - Jan. 3, 2019
Our sweet little Halloween kitty. She was part manx so she didn’t have a tail. She was 100% a princess and always meowed like a kitten her whole life to try and get her royal way. We’ll miss her always.

Nov. 15, 1995 - Jan. 21, 2007
Orion was truly a gift from the heavens. Sent to heal, love, and protect. We adopted him at 6 months old, but we knew it was meant to be when we heard his birthday was 1 day prior to when we miscarried our first child. This big boy was sent filled our broken hearts. He was mom’s protector when dad worked 3rd shift. But left home alone, he could be found hiding at even the thought of someone might be breaking in. Orion was a lover not a fighter, and he was happy to prove that to everyone he met. At 3 years old we found a tiny pin size spot on his side, Dr. Ehlers confirmed our worst fears. SKIN CANCER! Luckily Dr. Ehlers was able to remove it, and all the many others that popped up over the next 11 years. Orion always drug his feet going in to the exam room each and every time. But when he would see Dr. Ehlers and all the love in his soul forgot why he was there. Orion lost his battle with cancer shortly after we welcomed new baby. We knew that his work here was done, and happy we can look up and always see Orion. We are forever grateful for all the love and care the staff at Parkview gave Orion right up to the day we all said goodbye. We know how much you loved him too. Thank you!

Oct. 10, 2007 - June 4, 2018
Daisy Mae was a sweet little girl whom loved to burrow under blankets. Always so happy to greet you after a long day of work, and loved press her face as hard as she could against your neck as if it was a hug. Daisy was our 8 wk old Christmas puppy whom became a best friend for our daughter. She loved eating popcorn with her daddy, and going for walks with her girl. Parkview always took great care of our girl, even adapting to her unique way she preferred to have her nails trimmed. (IN MOMS ARMS- on her back) When Daisy got older, she began to have many odd health problems. The doctors at Parkview Animal Hosptial worked hard to figure out what was going on. My Mom gut said cancer, but after several tests and much research, nothing was adding up to any one problem. It wasn’t until a freak accident that lead us to her real diagnosis. When our girl began acting out of sorts, we dropped her off for observation at Parkview for the day. That is when Dr. Sitzman called me with the news….x-rays showed she had swallowed a sewing needle. It was in this emergency surgery that he was finally able to see what plagued our poor Daisy. CANCER OF THE SPLEEN. We lost our girl that night. But what Dr. Sitzman did next, warmed my heart. He was so clearly heartbroken…that he could not save our little girl. He brought me back to the xray room. We reviewed all the x-rays of Daisy from the past 10 years – NO SIGN OF CANCER ANYWHERE. But then he pulled up her final x-ray. There on the screen was the needle…pointing directly at her Spleen! I will forever be grateful for his efforts in helping our girl, and in the end… I am so glad he FOUND IT! Dr. Sitzman was able to give us all PEACE.